Summary In the wake of his parents’ tragic deaths in a house fire, fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the remote, insular town of Ballantyne. Richard quickly earns a reputation as an outcast, and when a classmate named Tom goes missing, everyone suspects the new, angry boy […]
Review: Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Synopsis Montserrat has always been overlooked. She’s a talented sound editor, but she’s left out of the boys’ club running the film industry in ’90s Mexico City. And she’s all but invisible to her best friend, Tristán, a charming if faded soap opera star, though she’s been in love with him since childhood. Then Tristán […]
Review: When the Night Bells Ring by Jo Kaplan
Summary In a future ravaged by fire and drought, two climate refugees ride their motorcycles across the wasteland of the western US, and stumble upon an old silver mine. Descending into the cool darkness of the caved-in tunnels in desperate search of water, the two women find Lavinia Cain’s diary, a settler in search of […]
Review: Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede
Synopsis By day, Maeve Fly works at the happiest place in the world as every child’s favorite ice princess. By the neon night glow of the Sunset Strip, Maeve haunts the dive bars with a drink in one hand and a book in the other, imitating her misanthropic literary heroes. But when Gideon Green – […]
Review: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Synopsis Welcome to Neverton, Montana: home to a God-fearing community with a heart of gold. Nestled high up in the mountains is Camp Damascus, the self-proclaimed “most effective” gay conversion camp in the country. Here, a life free from sin awaits. But the secret behind that success is anything but holy. And they’ll scare you […]
Review: Cruel Angels Past Sundown by Hailey Piper
Synopsis New Mexico Territory, 1882: She comes to the Klein ranch at sunset, a strange naked pregnant woman dragging a cavalry saber. Annette Klein and her husband have built peace between their marriage and secret relations beyond, but their serenity dies in bloodshed tonight through a cannibalistic demon and a mad preacher. Annette barely escapes […]
Review: Fever House by Keith Rosson
Synopsis A small-time criminal. A has-been rock star. A shadowy government agency. And a severed hand whose dark powers threaten to destroy them all. “The unsettling darkness of Joe Hill meets the cryptic mystery of The X-Files, Fever House is a wild ride through a funhouse apocalypse that will stick to your mind like clotted blood.”—Delilah S. Dawson, New […]
Review: That Light Sublime – The Massacre at Yellow Hill and A Red Winter in the West – by C.S. Humble
A woman mourns after the death of her husband in the mines at Yellow Hill, Texas. She wonders how she will feed her children. A freed slave wanders the Texas planes with his adopted son, a teenager with a colorful family history. Either of these might be the set up for a John Ford western, […]