Synopsis A science fantasy noir tale from the Nebula-nominated author of “Tower of Mud and Straw.” Refusing the queen’s order to gas a crowd of protesters, Minister Shea Ashcroft is banished to the border to oversee the construction of the biggest defensive tower in history. However, the use of advanced technology taken from refugees makes […]
Yaroslav Barsukov
Blog Tour: Tower of Mud and Straw by Yaroslav Barsukov
8 Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Releases to Look Out For – Feb. 2021
Welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly klaxon horn sounding to draw your attention toward a few Science Fiction and Fantasy releases we think you should keep an eye on. They are listed alphabetically as well as by release date, so a book appearing higher or lower on this list than you expected it to has no relative bearing on our hype-levels nor our expectation of quality. Now, without further ado, strap yourselves in tight, we’re looking to the future (and the future is bright.)
TBRcon21 Recap – Monday, January 25th
A little bit of a “in case you missed it” type post with full panel recordings. Check the promos above each video to see the topics and panelists. Hope you enjoy!