Synopsis Hessa is an Eangi: a battle-hardened priestess of the Goddess of War, with the power to turn an enemy’s bones to dust with a scream. Banished for disobeying her goddess’s command to murder a traveller, she prays for forgiveness—but while she is gone, raiders burn her town to the ground. Grieving and alone, Hessa—the […]
Review: The Emperor’s Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #1) by Brian Staveley
Synopsis Great intrigues take place in secret in the kingdom and the reigning emperor is treacherously murdered. All the responsibility now rests on the shoulders of his two sons, Kaden and Valyn, and on the shoulders of his daughter Adare. The siblings have not seen each other for some years, as each child receives a […]
Review: The Isle of a Thousand Worlds (The Weirdwater Confluence, Book 2) by Dan Fitzgerald
Synopsis An aging alchemist seeks the key to the Universal Tincture said to unlock the Thousand Worlds of the Mind, but she never expected to solve the riddle of the hermetic heart. A meditation acolyte travels the mystical social media known as the Caravan and finds that the Thousand Worlds lie just below the surface, […]
Review: The Living Waters (Weirdwater Confluence, Book 1) by Dan Fitzgerald
Synopsis All painted-faced nobles can choose to go on a roughabout at some point when they are young adults to experience life outside of their luxury and comfort. Usually these experiences lead to uncomfortable situations that are short lived and the nobles are well watched over by trained professionals. However, when two nobles, Temi and […]
Review: The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn (Kingdom of Grit #1) by Tyler Whitesides
Synopsis Ardor Benn is no ordinary thief – a master of wildly complex heists, he styles himself a Ruse Artist Extraordinaire. When he gets hired for his most daring ruse yet, Ardor knows he’ll need more than quick wit and sleight of hand. Assembling a dream team of forgers, disguisers, schemers and thieves, he sets […]
Review: Paladin Unbound by Jeffrey Speight
Synopsis Paladins were at one time a feared holy warrior in Evelium. Trained by the church and dedicated to the gods, they protected the world from evil. However, their power was so great it scared the rulers of their day and the church was forbidden from training any more Paladins. Hundred of years later the […]
We Break Immortals (The Advent Lumina Cycle #1) by Thomas Howard Riley
Synopsis A drug addict who hunts sorcerers down by tracking their magick, the most renowned swordsman no one has ever heard of, and a thieving magick-wielding woman hellbent on revenge collide during a last ditch effort to stop an insane superhuman serial killer from making himself a god. The Render Tracers always say magick users […]
Review: The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss
Synopsis In seclusion, disguised as an innkeeper, Kote lives a quiet life with his companion Bast, until one day a chronicler shows up at their home. He had set out in search of the legendary Kvothe – and found him. Kote lets himself be persuaded and tells the chronicler his story. Kvothe is not a […]
Most Anticipated SFF Novellas for 2022
Come discover the 2022 SFF novellas that are most anticipated.
Ashley’s Top 10 Reads in 2021
Reflecting on my favorite books of the year is one of my favorite December activities. Here are my top 10 reads in 2021.
Of Darkness and Light by Ryan Cahill (The Bound and the Broken #2)
Synopsis Heroes will rise. Nations will fall. Behind the towering walls of Belduar, Calen Bryer and his companions stand in defense of the city and its new king. In over a thousand years, Belduar has never fallen. It has stood as a bastion of hope. But the Lorian empire are at its walls once more, […]
Illborn by Daniel T Jackson (The Illborn Saga #1)
Synopsis Long ago, The Lord Aiduel emerged from the deserts of the Holy Land, possessed with divine powers. He used these to forcibly unite the peoples of Angall, before His ascension to heaven. Over eight hundred years later, in a medieval world which is threatened by war and religious persecution, four young men and women […]