Synopsis The number one best-selling series that Audible listeners call “wonderfully entertaining”, “packed with humor, geek references and thought-provoking storylines”, and performed by “a true master story teller and actor” returns as the Bobs face their deadliest challenge yet. The Bobiverse is a different place in the aftermath of the Starfleet War, and the days […]
Artificial Intelligence
Review: RUBICON by J.S. Dewes
Summary: Sergeant Adriene Valero wants to die. She can’t. After enduring a traumatic resurrection for the ninety-sixth time, Valero is reassigned to a special forces unit and outfitted with a cutting-edge virtual intelligence aid. They could turn the tide in the war against intelligent machines dedicated to the assimilation, or destruction, of humanity. When her […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 32: Robots & AI (with Daniel H. Wilson, Ada Hoffmann, Emma Mieko Candon & I. S. Lee)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Daniel H. Wilson, Ada Hoffmann, Emma Mieko Candon and I. S. Lee as they program the virtual realities of robots and artificial intelligence. During the panel they discuss why robots & AI are so captivating, the dialogue between science and sci-fi, humanist thinking, debates around intelligence and consciousness, transhumanism and posthumanism, creation and gods, nature vs. technology and more.