I was compelled to read just one or two more stories with each sitting. A little bit like horror Pringles.
A.C. Cross
Cover Reveal: The October Music by A.C. Cross
A.C. Cross’ flash fiction scarefest, The October Music, comes out in March (not October). Here you’ll find the blurb, pre-order links and more … but wait! We’re here for The October Music cover reveal so a cover reveal is what you’re gonna get. *Shivers*. Creepy. Haunting. We love it. Well, as promised, here’s all the […]
Cover Reveal + Q&A: Zoo by A.C. Cross
Hey, guys! It’s time to reveal the cover for the A.C. Cross’s new novella, Zoo!! Before the reveal, though, we’ve got a bit of a Q&A!! Author Q&A So what is the pitch for Zoo?Imagine if you could take a tour through someone’s mind and view the things that make them unique. Now imagine you […]
Book Tour: Where Blood Runs Gold by A.C. Cross
Hello everyone! Thanks for tuning into my stop on the Escapist Book Tour of Where Blood Runs Gold by A.C. Cross. I’m so excited to be part of this tour and can’t wait to share this with you! Below, you will find information about the book and author, along with an excerpt from the novel itself and an opportunity to win a signed copy of your own.