Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Ace
Hardcover: 400 pages
Audiobook: 15 hours and 46 minutes
5/5 Stars
If Red Sister was dipping a toe into the dark world of Abeth, Grey Sister is a baptism in blood. Everything you loved about Red Sister is fuller, broader, and deeper in Grey Sister.
Nona Grey, two years after the events of Red Sister, is a novice in Mystic Class learning more about the world and the frightening power that lies beneath its surface. She’s joined by familiar friends like Darla and Arabella, each of which has grown into their respective strengths. Nona is joined by another new “friend” that gets under her skin, but I’ll leave that to your reading.
Nona has to navigate learning from her teachers, antagonistic novices, and the long reach that the empress and nobility of Abeth affords. To make matters worse, The Inquisition has come to Sweet Mercy, threatening to topple even the Abbess herself.
Grey Sister is also told through the eyes of Abbess Glass, who is laying plots and devices to stay two steps ahead of the Inquisition and anyone else that threatens her convent. After having lost the convent’s shipheart, Glass consults with Sister Kettle, another POV character for this book, to retrieve it. Couple the Inquisition, the stolen shipheart, and the Sis’ lust for Nona’s blood – Abbess Glass has her hands full.
This one kicked it up a notch
Mark Lawrence’s prose and characterization were exceptional, which really goes without saying at this point. All the mystery and ruthlessness of Red Sister are amplified in Grey Sister – everything’s kicked up a notch. In particular the final sequence of this book is such a blood-spattered masterpiece that I’d rank it in my top book climaxes of all time.
Grey Sister continues to impress me the more and more I think about it, especially the final framing epilogue. I can’t be more excited for book three!
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I agree with your review. I called this one a “bridge book” in the best way possible, i.e. things were still moving in the right direction but all the intensity was dialed up a notch! I also LOVED Abbess Glass 😀
I can’t get over how Professor McGonagall-ish she is 😀
I want to start this series so badly! I just need more days in the week. Glad the second book didn’t disappoint😊
So glad this was so good!! Really looking forward to it 😀 Great review!
Griffin and I both have thoroughly enjoyed this series thus far. Grey Sister just blows Red Sister out of the water!