I want to thank Scholastic for sending these four (4) books over for review consideration.

Rating: 7.5/10
Dive under the sea to sing and dance with Baby Shark and all his friends, in this underwater twist on a preschool-favorite song all about building confidence!
Sing and dance with Baby Shark, in this underwater rendition of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”! With messages of encouragement and confidence-building, Baby Shark and his friends remind Starfish all the ways she is a STAR, encouraging her to share her glow, twinkle boldly, and shine bright! Featuring an adorable cast of underwater characters, a catchy twist on a pre-school favorite song, and a page of stickers, your little one will love diving under the sea with Baby Shark!
Cute little rendition that talks about believing in and being true to yourself, as well as always being there for your friends, especially when they are in need. The artwork is very colorful and eye catching, and my daughter was glued to each and every page. While much like ‘Baby Shark’ itself, this song will stick in your head for days after singing it with your little one. But the best part is the stickers (you can never go wrong with stickers).

Rating: 8.0/10
Dive under the sea to sing and dance with Baby Shark and all his friends, in this underwater twist on a preschool-favorite song!
Get ready to sing and dance along with Baby Shark, in this underwater rendition of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”! Little ones will love singing and dancing along to this favorite preschool song, clapping their fins with Baby Shark, shaking their tail with Seahorse, and snapping their claws with Crab. This array of underwater friends guides little ones through five emotions–happy, grumpy, sleepy, sad, and silly–providing humor and fun while also helping readers to name and identify their feelings. Informative picture guides help readers to mimic and act out the dance moves, developing their fine motor skills. Featuring an adorable cast of underwater characters, a catchy twist on a pre-school favorite song, and a page of stickers, your little one will love diving under the sea with Baby Shark!
Goes hand-in-hand with Twinkle, Twinkle, You’re a Star! The reason for my higher rating is that this rendition comes with dance moves that you and your little one will be acting out and giggling over while also working on some of those super important fine motor skills. This rendition became a little tiresome, though, considering my daughter still isn’t quite to the point of dancing all about.

Rating: 8.5/10
From the internationally-bestselling creators of The Wonky Donkey comes a third member of the family!
There was a sweet donkey who lived on the heath.
She was so funny with her false teeth…
Hee Haw!
Another sequel to the laugh-out-loud viral sensation, The Wonky Donkey, is here! This time, readers will meet Dinky Donkey’s grandma: a grinny granky plunky-plinky swanky clinky-clanky zonky dunky-drinky clunky donkey!
Brought to life by Craig Smith’s signature playful verses and Katz Cowley’s charming illustrations, The Grinny Granny Donkey is just as much fun as her offspring.
Hee Haw! So yes, I’ll admit it. I watched the video of the British grandmother reading The Wonky Donkey to her grandson and immediately went out to buy it. When I saw there was a version that my mother could read to our daughter, “YES, PLEASE!”. While it doesn’t have the full charm and wit as its predecessor, it is still hilarious and a joy to read. I attempted multiple times to film my mother reading, but my daughter was having none of it. Maybe one day soon… We can only hope. My goodness those false teeth… cracked up every time.

Rating: 10/10
In a few simple lines of verse on each spread, fathers and mothers are ready to put their youngsters to bed. But in this book, the youngsters are a wide variety of dinosaurs. And how do dinosaurs say good night?
Filled with wonderful detail and humor, children and their parents will love the expressions and antics of the eleven different dinosaur children depicted here, and each species is spelled out somewhere in the young dinosaur’s bedroom. In the end, young dinosaurs behave a lot like people do: They give a big kiss, turn out the light, tuck in their tails, and whisper “good night.”
Here is a new staple for bedtime reading, a book children will ask for again and again.
In a somewhat similar fashion to “If Animals Kissed Goodnight” – also a favorite of ours – this story involves Dinosaurs (AKA our own children) deciding that they would rather stall than go to bed. The hilarity of these massive dinos acting like toddlers won me over and this was just such a fun read overall. It will be a mainstay on my daughter’s bookshelf, and I recommend it to all lovers of dinosaurs.
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