Massive thanks to Zamil for allowing us to reveal the cover for Elder Epoch, Book 3 in the Gunmetal Gods Saga.
Before we get to the reveal, Books 1 & 2 in the saga are currently only $0.99! Make sure to grab them while they are HOT HOT HOT! (Click the covers for more info!)

Fifty thousand gun-toting paladins march behind him, all baptized in angel blood, thirsty to burn unbelievers.
Only the janissaries can stand against them. Their living legend, Kevah, once beheaded a magus amid a hail of ice daggers. But ever since his wife disappeared, he spends his days in a haze of hashish and poetry.
To save the kingdom, Kevah must conquer his grief and become the legend he once was. But Micah writes his own legend in blood, and his righteous conquest will stop at nothing.
When the gods choose sides, a legend will be etched upon the stars.
Game of Thrones meets Arabian Nights in this blood-soaked fantasy epic featuring Lovecraftian gods, mischievous djinns, and astral magic!

The Kingdom of Alanya is home to mystic warriors and mischievous djinns, vulgar poets and vain philosophers, soaring simurghs and scheming shahs.
Little do the people know that a power struggle between an ancient sorceress and an upstart sultana threatens to bathe the sands in bile and bones. A bloody cauldron boils, and primeval gods laugh whilst they stir it.
As warhorses charge, arrows shower, and cannon shots brighten the night, all must choose a side.

Series: Gunmetal Gods Saga, Book 3
Author: Zamil Akhtar
Genre: Fantasy > Dark, Epic
Cover Art: Miblart
Preorder Link:
Game of Thrones meets Arabian Nights
The protector of the land is dead.
A blood plague infests the soil and sea, eldritch angels vie for dominion over hearts and souls, and holy war boils between four gunpowder empires.
The line between truth and falsehood, the righteous and the wicked, hope and annihilation is buried deep beneath blood-soaked sand.
Editorial Reviews
“An immensely enjoyable read full of deep characterization, a world that feels complete and alive, creatures that are magnificent and terrifying, with tons of action and political intrigue that will keep you up reading late into the night.”
― Reedsy ★★★★★
“It’s raw and real, full of layers and depth, absolutely gorgeous prose, and characters that leap off the page. An amazing addition to this series, and a must-read.”
― Bookworm Blues ★★★★★
“The reader is presented with a mystery that is only fully unraveled in the final pages, and again rises to the tragic heights of Gunmetal Gods.”
― Robert DeFrank, author of Star Winds at Dusk ★★★★★
“A fast paced, unpredictable story where the reader gets an impression of vast currents and schemes moving in the background, only a portion of which are visible.”
― Phylanthrope ★★★★★
“I love how the writing immerses the reader in a world of djinns, mad gods, tribal politics, exotic cities, harsh countrysides, and blood magic. What a marvelous ride! The author took a lot of chances with this book — defied convention at every turn — and it all pays off.”
― Douglas Lumsden, author of a Troll Walks into a Bar ★★★★★
“Outside of the Malazan Book of the Fallen or Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels, I can’t think of a world or setting that has captured my imagination to this extent.”
― Amazon Review ★★★★★
About the Author

When Zamil was fourteen, he moved from the dry, dune-spotted Arabian peninsula to the hilly, arctic wasteland that is Western Massachusetts. He despises the cold, isn’t very fond of the sun, and prefers spending all day indoors mashing the keyboard in the hopes something great will come of it. When not dreaming up dark and fantastical journeys, he enjoys binging horror movies, wasting precious time arguing about international relations on Reddit, and occasionally traveling somewhere exotic. He currently lives in Dubai with his loving wife and his badly-behaved pet rabbit.
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