Synopsis Groundhog Day meets Deadpool in Django Wexler’s raunchy, hilarious, blood-splattered fantasy tale about a young woman who, tired of defending humanity from the Dark Lord, decides to become the Dark Lord herself. Davi has done this all before. She’s tried to be the hero and take down the all-powerful Dark Lord. A hundred times […]
Review: Animus Paradox (A Digital Extremities Story) by Adam Bassett
Synopsis: There’s a thief on the loose. The Tigres excel at tipping the scales in their favor, be it through bribes, politics, or blood. They unofficially run Viterbo, Italy—and somebody stole from them. Private investigators David and Mafalda De Campo have been hired to help find the thief. They’re in it for the money, but […]
Review: Legacy Of Ghosts (The Coraidic Sagas #2) by Alicia Wanstall-Burke
Synopsis Four years have passed since Lidan’s world was ripped apart, and time is running out to change her father’s mind about the succession before the bargain with her mother expires. Torn between what she wants and what she knows is right, she is faced with an impossible choice; will her brother live, or will […]
Review: The Buffalo Hunter Hunter by Stephen Graham Jones
Synopsis: A diary, written in 1912 by a Lutheran pastor is discovered within a wall. What it unveils is a slow massacre, a chain of events that go back to 217 Blackfeet dead in the snow. Told in transcribed interviews by a Blackfeet named Good Stab, who shares the narrative of his peculiar life over […]
Review: Rose of Jericho by Alex Grecian
Synopsis: Something wicked is going on in the village of Ascension. A mother wasting away from cancer is suddenly up and about. A boy trampled by a milk cart walks away from the accident. A hanged man can still speak, broken neck and all. The dead are not dying. When Rabbit and Sadie Grace accompany […]
Review: Newt & Demon (The Newt and Demon Book 1) by Edwin M. Griffiths
Synopsis A new world. A new life. A chance to become a Legendary Alchemist. When the apocalypse comes, a mysterious entity grants Theo Spencer the gift of reincarnation.The gift of a quiet life as an alchemist. He awakens in a small town in the southern reaches of a small kingdom in a non-human body. Broken […]
Review: An Exile of Water & Gold by Joshua Walker
Synopsis Brandon Sanderson’s Rhythm of War meets Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time in this epic fantasy mystery adventure. EXILED FROM HEAVEN. FORCED INTO HELL. For centuries, the Aobians of the Great Tree have shared the continent of Q’ara with humanity. A select few known as Sleepers are empowered by Luminosity, the Tree’s greatest blessing. Drift, a young and cynical […]
When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi
Synopsis From the New York Times bestselling author of Starter Villain comes an entirely serious take on a distinctly unserious subject: what would really happen if suddenly the moon were replaced by a giant wheel of cheese. It’s a whole new moooooon. One day soon, suddenly and without explanation, the moon as we know it […]
Review: Four Ruined Realms (The Broken Blades #2) by Mai Corland
I’ve started off 2025 with what may stay as one of my favourite books of the year. I loved Five Broken Blades and I think Corland has upped her game with this one! There is no second book syndrome to be found here. Four Ruined Realms keeps up the break-neck pace and builds on the relationships from the previous book.
Review: Serpentus by A.J. Calvin
Synopsis: Dispatched to Stone Hill to oversee the city’s defenses among nebulous rumors of the Shadow Council’s threat, Owen Greenwaters must rely on the city’s guard and its natural defenses to protect the citizens. But when an army of mythical hooded ones bolstered by a sea serpent and the Soulless arrive in the wake of […]
Review: Incidents Around The House by Josh Malerman
Synopsis: To eight-year-old Bela, her family is her world. There’s Mommy, Daddo, and Grandma Ruth. But there is also Other Mommy, a malevolent entity who asks her every day: “Can I go inside your heart?” When horrifying incidents around the house signal that Other Mommy is growing tired of asking Bela the question over and […]
Review: Red Sonja: Consumed by Gail Simone
Synopsis Red Sonja, the iconic, fiery, she-devil with a sword, is reinvented for a new generation of readers in this action-packed epic fantasy by legendary comic book writer Gail Simone. The warrior Red Sonja, the famous fiery She-Devil of Hyrkania, has never concerned herself with the consequences of her actions. She’s taken what she wanted, from […]