Synopsis: Swan is a nine-year-old Kansas girl following her struggling mother from one trailer park to the next when she receives visions of doom—something far wider than the narrow scope of her own beleaguered life. In a blinding flash, nuclear bombs annihilate civilization, leaving only a few buried survivors to crawl onto a scorched landscape […]
Sci-Fi Horror
Review: Among the Living by Tim Lebbon
Don’t go into that cave… Fine, ignore me then. Synopsis Estranged friends Dean and Bethan meet after five years apart when they are drawn to a network of caves on a remote Arctic island. Bethan and her friends are environmental activists, determined to protect the land. But Dean’s group’s exploitation of rare earth minerals deep […]
Review: Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine
Synopsis The Last of Us meets Bird Box in Sunny Moraine’s Your Shadow Half Remains, a post-apocalyptic tale where eye contact causes people to spiral into a deadly, violent rage. ONE LOOK CAN KILL. Riley has not seen a single human face in longer than she can reckon. No faces, no eyes. Not if you want to survive. But […]
Review: I Found Christmas Lights Slithering Up My Street (I Found Horror #3) by Ben Farthing
Synopsis Something festive is growing in the sewer… After last year’s tragedy, Douglas’ parents are ignoring Christmas. But when Douglas finds an eerie strand of lights slithering through the sewer, he unwittingly unleashes merry terror upon his neighborhood’s tacky lights contest. String lights spread like invasive kudzu, turning festive decorations into surreal, predatory nightmares. Determined […]
Review: A Bleak Remedy (Savage Panacea #1) by D.S. LaLonde
Synopsis: On the shores of the St. Lawrence River there lies a secretive biomedical research facility. Within that facility’s deepest recesses are two vampires. One is a ravenous humanoid bat. A true apex predator. The other appears human but is no less dangerous than its monstrous peer. These vampires have amazing regenerative abilities, enabling them […]
Review: Paradise 1 by David Wellington
In conclusion, if you love constant action, elements of horror all wrapped up in well-defined science fiction details, then go read David Wellington’s Paradise 1.
Book Review: The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown
Synopsis As acting captain of the starship Calypso, Jacklyn Albright is responsible for keeping the last of humanity alive as they limp back to Earth from their forebears’ failed colony on a distant planet. Faced with constant threats of starvation and destruction in the treacherous minefield of interstellar space, Jacklyn’s crew has reached their breaking point. […]