Synopsis: 8114 is a terrifying horror novel investigating the mysterious death of a high school friend through an embattled podcast and hallucinatory hauntings at the abandoned house of his childhood. After returning to his hometown, Paul, the beleaguered host of a small-time podcast, discovers a longtime friend committed suicide in the dilapidated ruins of Paul’s […]
Review: The Preserve by Patrick Lestewka
Synopsis: In the summer of 1967, seven men, members of an elite combat unit, embarked on a covert operation in the jungles of Vietnam. Two died. The survivors were forever changed. Twenty years later, the remaining unit members receive a letter from an anonymous benefactor, along with a check for $50,000 and a promise of […]
Review: Greely’s Cove by John Gideon
Synopsis: The first miracle was a joyful one- the sudden cure of a young autistic boy in Greely’s Cove. The other miracles were different- stranger, darker miracles like murder… and resurrection. Now every man and woman in Greely’s Cove is afraid. Afraid of things that walk in the night. Afraid of the house on the […]
Review: Curse of the Reaper by Brian McAuley
Synopsis Scream meets The Shining in this page-turning horror tale about an aging actor haunted by the slasher movie villain he brought to life. Decades after playing the titular killer in the 80s horror franchise Night of the Reaper, Howard Browning has been reduced to signing autographs for his dwindling fanbase at genre conventions. When the studio announces a […]
Review: Brat by Gabriel Smith
Synopsis: Gabriel’s skin is falling off. His dad is dead. He owes his editor a novel. His girlfriend won’t answer his calls. Tasked by his horribly well-adjusted brother with clearing out the family home for sale, Gabriel’s sanity quickly begins to unravel. His parents’ old manuscripts appear to change each time he reads them. A […]
Review: Good Night, Sleep Tight by Brian Evenson
Synopsis: From the “master of literary horror” (GQ) comes a collection of new stories tracing the limits and consequences of artificial intelligence and “post-human” relationships. Populated by twins stepping into worlds of absence, bears who lick their cubs into creation, and artificial beings haunted by their less-than-human nature, each page sketches a world where our […]
White Fuzz (The Bedlam Bible #2) By William Pauley III
Synopsis Franklin feels alone in life. One fateful night, he gets a curious text from a stranger, Lynda, another resident of his apartment building. She convinces him to come over, against his better judgment, and surprisingly the night seems to be going great, despite a little awkwardness. However, it’s clear that Lynda is living with […]
Review: Death Aesthetic by Josh Rountree
Synopsis: “This whole collection is obsessed with death.” Josh Rountree makes no bones about the mood in Death Aesthetic, his third collection of short fiction. Rountree explores the boundaries set by grief and guilt. He cracks open all manner of skeletons to peer inside the chest cavity, wondering what remains after everything else has left. He […]
REVIEW: When You Leave I Disappear by David Niall Wilson
SYNOPSIS USA Today bestselling author David Niall Wilson’s When You Leave I Disappear is a literary horror novella in which a bestselling author’s imposter syndrome draws her into a darker and darker world from which she may never escape. REVIEW And the Mindfuck of the Year Award goes to…..When You Leave I Disappear by David Niall Wilson! A […]
Review: American Rapture by C.J. Leede
Synopsis: A virus is spreading across America, transforming the infected and making them feral with lust. Sophie, a good Catholic girl, must traverse the hellscape of the midwest to try to find her family while the world around her burns. Along the way she discovers there are far worse fates than dying a virgin. Review: […]
Review: Nestlings by Nat Cassidy
Synopsis Nat Cassidy is at his razor-sharp best again with his horror novel Nestlings, which harnesses the creeping paranoia of Rosemary’s Baby and the urban horror of Salem’s Lot, set in an exclusive New York City residential building. Best Adult Books 2023―New York Public LibaryNPR Books We Love 2023Best Horror of 2023―Esquire, Den of GeekBest Horror of 2023 (Honorable Mention)―Paste […]
REVIEW: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
SYNOPSIS A chilling twist on the “cursed film” genre from the bestselling author of The Pallbearers Club and The Cabin at the End of the World. In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick. The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to […]