Synopsis: 8114 is a terrifying horror novel investigating the mysterious death of a high school friend through an embattled podcast and hallucinatory hauntings at the abandoned house of his childhood. After returning to his hometown, Paul, the beleaguered host of a small-time podcast, discovers a longtime friend committed suicide in the dilapidated ruins of Paul’s […]
Fear For All
Review: Cicada (Killer VHS #4) by Tanya Pell
Synopsis Ash is stranded at a rural horror film festival about a giant killer cicada and can’t decide what’s worse, the movie or her idiot boyfriend, until she realizes she’s starring in the bloody sequel when people start dying and the locals won’t let them leave. Review As always a huge thanks to Shortwave Media […]
Review: Asunder by Kerstin Hall
Synopsis:We choose our own gods here.Karys Eska is a deathspeaker, locked into an irrevocable compact with Sabaster, a terrifying eldritch entity—three-faced, hundred-winged, unforgiving—who has granted her the ability to communicate with the newly departed. She pays the rent by using her abilities to investigate suspicious deaths around the troubled city she calls home. When a […]
Review: A Shadow Over Haven (Nick Holleran Series #4) by David Green
Synopsis Ever heard the saying, “Careful what you wish for?” The phrase is about to take on a whole new meaning for Haven’s one-and-only Paranormal Investigator, Nick Holleran… In the months since ‘One Life Left’ and his reality-spinning showdown with Lilith and the Sin-Eater, Nick Holleran has spent the time making new friends and forging […]
Review: A Better World by Sarah Langan
Synopsis: As the outside world literally falls apart, Linda and Russell Farmer-Bowen and their teenage twins are offered the chance to relocate to Plymouth Valley, a walled-off company town with clean air, pantries that never go empty, and blue-ribbon schools. The family jumps at the opportunity. They’d be crazy not to take it. This might […]
Review: Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Synopsis Now a major motion picture! Stephen King’s #1 New York Times bestseller is a “wild, powerful, disturbing” (The Washington Post Book World) classic about evil that exists far beyond the grave—among King’s most iconic and frightening novels. When Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job and moves his family to the idyllic rural town of Ludlow, Maine, […]
Review: The Preserve by Patrick Lestewka
Synopsis: In the summer of 1967, seven men, members of an elite combat unit, embarked on a covert operation in the jungles of Vietnam. Two died. The survivors were forever changed. Twenty years later, the remaining unit members receive a letter from an anonymous benefactor, along with a check for $50,000 and a promise of […]
Review: Eight Cases of Jane by R.J. Powell
Synopsis Warning to the reader: this document contains acts that some may deem offensive, including cannibalism, torture, gore, Satanism, biblical references, outdated medical terminology, inflammatory LGBTQIA+ subject matter, and more. Jane Murphy killed eight men between the dates of October 1995 and January 1996. This is Jane’s psychiatric interview. Review Grabbed another one by the […]
Review: Greely’s Cove by John Gideon
Synopsis: The first miracle was a joyful one- the sudden cure of a young autistic boy in Greely’s Cove. The other miracles were different- stranger, darker miracles like murder… and resurrection. Now every man and woman in Greely’s Cove is afraid. Afraid of things that walk in the night. Afraid of the house on the […]
Review: A Mask of Flies by Matthew Lyons
Synopsis In Matthew Lyons’ pulse-pounding crime horror, A Mask of Flies, a criminal on the run after a failed heist must confront dark family secrets and demons from her past made flesh. THE PAST HAS TEETH In the grisly aftermath of a botched bank heist, career criminal Anne Heller has no choice but to return to […]
Review: Dollface by R.J. Powell
Synopsis Papa has his victims, but Dollface holds his heart. His perfect little Dolly. Now, she’s awake and ready to seek revenge for all she was forced to witness and endure. *TW: Contains SA* ***Other works by the Author include Madness in Tandem and Eight Cases of Jane. Review Grabbed this on kindle and gave […]
Review: Counted With The Dead by Peter O’Keefe
Synopsis: Jack Killeen is done killing. The Detroit hitman has grown disgusted with his job and wants to turn his life around. Unfortunately for him, it’s too late: A mad surgeon has created a monster from the bodies of Killeen’s victims and the creature is animated by the damaged brain of Jack’s final target, Victor […]