Synopsis: After the events of The Prophet of Edan, Eormenlond is suffering from the chaos of war. While the dreaded Ilarchae are carving a war path through the land, civil war is also ravaging this world. In the midst of this turmoil Dayraven’s friends are searching for him as the elf shard may have talking over […]
High Fantasy
Review: The Ice (The Bound and The Broken #3.5) by Ryan Cahill
Ryan Cahill is a master at weaving these characters into your heart and making you feel their feelings. It truly is a masterful skill – and it shines through in The Ice. I would absolutely recommend (again) this series to anyone who enjoys reading SFF.
Review: Esrahaddon (The Rise and Fall #3) by Micheal J. Sullivan
Synopsis The man who became known as Esrahaddon is reported to have destroyed the world’s greatest empire—but there are those who believe he saved it. Few individuals are as divisive, but all agree on three facts: He was exiled to the wilderness, hunted by a goblin priestess, and sentenced to death by a god—all before […]
Review: The Ice (The Bound and the Broken #3.5) by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis In Epheria, you are the predators. Here, you are the prey. Almost four hundred years have passed since the fall of The Order. Four hundred years since the empire rose. Four hundred years since the last dragon egg hatched. In the icy wasteland of Valacia, Aeson Virandr searches for the one thing that could […]
Review: The Exile (The Bound and The Broken #2.5) by Ryan Cahill
The Exile is a novella that should not be skipped for fans of The Bound and The Broken. A story of devastating loss & brutal revenge, this is a tale told with finesse!
Review: Rise of the Ranger (The Echoes Saga #1) by Philip C Quaintrell
Filled with elves, magic, dragons, a secret assassins guild (more on them later) and more fantasy tropes than you can shake a magical stick at, Rise of the Ranger is a great start to what promises to be a brilliant series!
Review: The Will of the Many (Hierarchy #1) by James Islington
Synopsis At the elite Catenan Academy, a young fugitive uncovers layered mysteries and world-changing secrets in this new fantasy series by internationally bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington. AUDI. VIDE. TACE. The Catenan Republic—the Hierarchy—may rule the world now, but they do not know everything. I tell them my name is Vis Telimus. […]
Review: The Will of the Many (The Hierarchy #1) by James Islington
Synopsis AUDI. VIDE. TACE. The Catenan Republic – the Hierarchy – may rule the world now, but they do not know everything. I tell them my name is Vis Telimus. I tell them I was orphaned after a tragic accident three years ago, and that good fortune alone has led to my acceptance into their […]
The Sword of Kaigen by M. L. Wang
Synopsis On a mountainside at the edge of the Kaigenese Empire live the most powerful warriors in the world, superhumans capable of raising the sea and wielding blades of ice. For hundreds of years, the fighters of the Kusanagi Peninsula have held the Empire’s enemies at bay, earning their frozen spit of land the name […]
Witch King by Martha Wells
Synopsis From the breakout SFF superstar author of Murderbot comes a remarkable story of power and friendship, of trust and betrayal, and of the families we choose. “I didn’t know you were a… demon.”“You idiot. I’m the demon.”Kai’s having a long day in Martha Wells’ WITCH KING….After being murdered, his consciousness dormant and unaware of the passing […]
Review: The Malevolent Seven by Sebastien De Castell
Synopsis ‘Seven powerful mages want to make the world a better place. We’re going to kill them first.’ Picture a wizard. Go ahead, close your eyes. There he is, see? Skinny old guy with a long straggly beard. No doubt he’s wearing iridescent silk robes that couldn’t protect his frail body from a light breeze. […]
Fantasy Book Review: The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (The Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
The start of a new trilogy spanning time and multiverses, set in the backdrop of mysterious, manipulative and menacing Library. A intriguing and entrancing tale and page turner.