Hello and welcome to FanFiAddict’s stop on the book tour for T. A. Bruno’s On the Winds of Quasars (The Song of Kamaria #2). We want to thank Justine & Timy @ Storytellers on Tour for letting us be involved, and a big shoutout to Tom on his newest release!
Below, you will find information on the book and author, a book trailer that absolutely slaps, a recap of The Orbit of Sirens in ‘The story so far..’, David W’s chat with Tom, links so you can grab yourself a copy, and a GIVEAWAYYYYYYY!

Book Information
On the Winds of Quasars by T. A. Bruno
Series: The Song of Kamaria (#2)
Published: September 20, 2021
Genre: Sci-fi Fantasy
Pages: 353

Book Blurb
The thrilling sequel to In the Orbit of Sirens
In the aftermath of the brutal slaying of a sacred auk’nai deity, Cade and Nella Castus are taken from their home and brought deep into the wilderness. They must make their way back to civilization, traversing dangerous landscapes as they are pursued relentlessly by their captor—a winged abomination.
As Denton and Eliana search for their missing children, they uncover something that will change all life on Kamaria forever.
The story so far…
All hope was lost.
The Sol System had been taken by nightmarish machines called the Undriel. One by one, each of the colonized worlds was absorbed into their dark network. The machines worked so quickly, so efficiently, that their motives were never truly discovered. Humanity fought back, but their defenses crumbled, and it became clear that the war would be lost.
A desperate escape.
The Telemachus, an interstellar spacecraft designed for exploration, was repurposed into a liferaft. With their backs against Jupiter, and the Undriel clawing their way across the Sol System, humanity fled across the stars.
A home abandoned.
The Undriel sunk into obscurity after the exodus. None of the surviving humans knew what had become of their old foe.
A home discovered.
Kamaria, humanity’s new safe haven. It is a world of immense, raw beauty—but also of hidden dangers. The voyage from Sol to Delta Octantis took three hundred years of warp-speed travel. A forward team was sent six years before the Telemachus to prepare Kamaria. This crew named their first colony Odysseus.
Unwelcome guests.
Lung-lock, an airborne bacteria that permeated throughout Kamaria, paralyzed human lungs. This affliction slowly killed off many of the Odysseus colonists. A cure was on the cusp of completion, but it was missing a key component.
A new threat.
Scouts searched Kamaria for a cure to lung-lock. In their desperate search, they stumbled upon a mysterious crypt. Inside, they found the body of a creature they called the Siren. Unbeknownst to the scouts, the Siren was not as dead as she first appeared. Her phantom possessed the body of Captain Roelin Raike and wore him like a mask. The colonists had no idea of the danger lurking among them.
A stranger visits.
The native Kamarians, the Auk’nai, kept their distance from the human colonists. They were an advanced race of humanoid bird-people with a mental sensitivity to empathic wavelengths. One lone auk’nai, Mag’Ro, made contact with Dr. Eliana Veston and provided the last element needed to cure lung-lock. In exchange, she gave him a weapon, unsure what he would do with it.
A terrible tragedy.
The Siren—Nhymn, as she would later be called—used Roelin’s body as a weapon. In a night of carnage, she murdered several colonists and fled in a warship named the Astraeus. Nhymn took Roelin as her prisoner and disappeared into the wilderness. For years, no one knew what had become of the Siren and her hostage.
The Telemachus arrived.
Years passed since the massacre, and time had slowly healed the colony. Odysseus had grown into a city. Humanity had gained its foothold on Kamaria. Their numbers were low, their progress steady. Relations with the auk’nai hesitantly improved.
The Siren returned.
A clue led a scout team to Nhymn’s hidden location in the Sharp Top mountains, nestled deep within the Tangle Maze jungle. Upon discovering the missing Astraeus warship, the scouts were attacked by Nhymn. She killed half of them and took the rest hostage.
Her dark goals.
Nhymn needed to repair the Astraeus to find her sister, Sympha. She used a young man named Denton Castus to fix the downed ship. He did his job well, and Nhymn carried out her mission of reuniting with Sympha, taking over her body and powers. Nhymn, now more powerful than ever, vanished into the wilderness for a month. Her actions during this time were unknown.
A shade.
Denton Castus had his own secrets. In all, there had been three Sirens; Nhymn, Sympha, and Karx. Karx found Denton and tried to warn him about Nhymn, leaping into Denton’s mind to vacate his own failing body. The combination of Karx and Denton resulted in a mental tether forming between them. Denton was able to walk through Karx’s memories as a shade. He learned the origin of the Sirens.
Apusticus burned.
After vanishing for a month, Nhymn reappeared with devastation. The auk’nai city of Apusticus was rendered to ash by her power. Mag’Ro was killed, and the surviving auk’nai fled their destroyed city to warn the humans of her approach.
A final battle.
The auk’nai allied with the humans of Odysseus and headed off Nhymn in the Unforgotten Garden. Many died that day, both human and auk’nai. Things grew desperate as the Siren gained the advantage.
Tethers linked. Tethers snapped.
Denton Castus, Roelin Raike, and Sympha distracted Nhymn long enough so that the human and auk’nai defenses could find a way to destroy her. Roelin and Sympha were killed during the battle, but they had been successful in their task. Under Eliana’s suggestion, the Telemachus was smashed into Nhymn. The Siren had been crushed, and the battle ended.
Sirens are immortal.
The body of Nhymn had been destroyed, but it was known she would return. Denton’s previous shade walking confirmed that Sirens live on past their physical deaths. Three years after the final battle, Nhymn came back. She begged to be sent away from Kamaria, a request the people of Kamaria gleefully fulfilled. Her reasons for leaving remained a mystery.

Book Links
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58697255-on-the-winds-of-quasars
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Winds-Quasars-Song-Kamaria-Book-ebook/dp/B09BS8FGX5

Author Info
Website: https://tabruno.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TABrunoAuthor
Instagram: http://instagram.com/TABrunoAuthor
Facebook: http://facebook.com/TABrunoAuthor
Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/TABrunoAuthor
Prize: A paperback copy of On the Winds of Quasars by T. A. Bruno – US Only
Starts: September 19th, 2021 at 12:00am EST
Ends: September 26th, 2021 at 11:59pm EST
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