Another year gone, another chunk of my TBR entirely ignored while a read an entire set of books that were new to me (for the most part). From finishing the inaugural Indie Ink Awards at the start of the year, to my first year with BBNYA and SFINCS, I’ve pretty much counted anything I wrote […]
REVIEW: Candy Cain Kills (Killer VHS Series #2) by Brian McAuley
SYNOPSIS Oh what fun it is to DIE! When Austin’s parents drag him and his little sister Fiona to a remote cottage for Christmas, he’s less than thrilled about the forced bonding exercise. But after learning that their holiday getaway was the site of a horrific crime, this family on the rocks will have to […]
Jenn’s Top Reads of 2023
Another year done, many more pages read and no, the TBR is of course not any smaller. This year I read over 100 books for the first time, and while number based reading goals don’t mean a whole lot to me, reading that many in one year was something I never expected to accomplish. Here […]
Review: The Empress of Salt and Fortune (The Singing Hills cycle #1) by Nghi Vo
Synopsis A young royal from the far north is sent south for a political marriage in an empire reminiscent of imperial China. Her brothers are dead, her armies and their war mammoths long defeated and caged behind their borders. Alone and sometimes reviled, she must choose her allies carefully. Rabbit, a handmaiden, sold by her […]
Review: Arc-City In The Dragon’s Eye (Dragon Reich Series #1) by Jordan Loyal Short
Synopsis Viktor’s magic is turning him into a dragon. And it’s not pretty. To save his friends from a deadly ambush, Viktor drew too deeply on the power of the Dragon Well, and now a magical tumor has begun to change him, one scale at a time. Viktor sets off on a quest for a […]
Josh Hanson’s Best Horror of 2023
2023 strikes me as a year in which here were a shocking number of great debuts, but as I look back, the trend seems to be a year in which established writers in the horror scene have all of a sudden thrown down their very best work, many of them publishing books that I have […]
Neilthebookguy’s Top 5 Reads of 2023
2023 has been a year full of exciting reads for me. In fact, I have read more self published books than I have ever read in one year. On top of that, they even make up the majority of the 65 books I’ve read this year! All that to say, I’ve read a lot of […]
Review: Time’s Ellipse by Frasier Armitage
I’m going to start off by saying you really need to read Time’s Ellipse to experience what Frasier has created here. Where this book begins and where it ends both feels completely different but yet it also comes in a full circle. Trust me, that statement will make sense once you read the book.
SFF Addicts Ep. 84: End of Year Special (with Ryan Cahill & R.R. Virdi)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they close out 2023 in style with fellow authors and friends of the show Ryan Cahill and R.R. Virdi. During the final episode of the year, they chat about how life has been, how writing compares to other forms of art and creativity, writing as a grind (that we love), experiences in publishing, self-pub vs. trad pub vs. hybrid, shifting writing processes, motivation and dedication, community and friendship, imposter syndrome and hurdles, our hopes for 2024, small wins and more.
COVER REVEAL: The Masked Crows (The Masked Crows #1) by Chad Retterath
Cover Artist: Samantha Shieh | InstagramTypography: Miblart | Website | Instagram | TwitterGenre: Gaslamp FantasyRelease Date: January 28th, 2024Amazon Preorder Link: Blurb Bacester is a city shrouded in mystery, where the distinction between hero and villain is thin. Each citizen possesses a unique ability, and in the shadows of lamp lit streets, the Masked Crows hunt […]
Graham’s (The Wulver’s Library) Top Reads of 2023
This year I’ve had some real reading highs, from having my own Bookstagram and reviewing on there, to joining the wonderful team at FanFiAddict. I’ve read so many amazing books that it was really hard to pick favourites this year, however I’ve managed to whittle down to a top 5, followed by some worthy honourable […]
Worth reading Jack Reacher books by Lee Child?
Worth Reading Jack Reacher books by Lee Child? Are the TV and Movie adaptations any good?