When you owe money to the biggest criminal in town you are going to need to step up your thieving game a notch…
Service at the Red Rooster Inn isn’t what you’d call good, or even adequate. Darin would be the first to say so, and he owns the place. Evie isn’t much of a barmaid; Kat’s home-brewed ale seems to grow less palatable with each new batch; and Seraphina’s service at the bar leaves much to be desired. As for the bouncer, Big Tom, well, everyone learns right quick to stay on his good side.
They may be bad at running an inn, but they’re the best team of con artists in the Old Queendom. When a prospective client approaches Darin with a high-paying job, he knows he should refuse. But the job is boosting a shipment of priceless imperial dream wine, the most coveted and expensive drink in the world. And, thanks to a stretch of bad luck, he’s in deep to The Dame, who oversees criminal enterprises in this part of the Queendom.
If they fail, they’re as good as dead, but if they succeed… well, it’s enough money to get square with the Dame and make all of their dreams come true. Plus, it’s an option for Darin to stick it to the empress, who he has good reason to despise.
Then again, there’s a very good reason no one has ever stolen imperial dream wine…
Oh, what a diverting heist story Silver Queendom is! Dan Koboldt writes a thievery novel destined to end up in the hands of readers waiting for the next installment of The Gentleman Bastards. Silver Queendom has heart, found family, and so much humor. It’s not as dark as TGB and the humor is almost always present.
I loved all of these characters. I remember thinking at one point that I couldn’t pick a character I would be “least sad” about losing. I was afraid for every single one, as they all worked their way into my heart. There is Darin with his mischief, Evie and her quick thinking, Tom being a deadly and sweet bear of a man, Kat with her maternal tendencies, and the trail of children that followed her. Koboldt made this little family into MY family for the span of the time that I was immersed in this book.
I didn’t want to put it down! It was just so fun, so easy to consume. My only complaint is that the 400 pages went by much too fast. There’s so much more I want to learn about these characters and this world! I hope we see more installments surrounding Darin and his crew. I could use more of the laugh-out-loud humor and the banter between characters in my life.
The world-building was just how I liked it: enough to give a sense of the similarities and differences in this world compared to ours, but didn’t drone on and beat me over the head with paragraphs detailing every aspect. We learn as we go. I especially loved the way this society seemed to be heavily Matriarchal. Most of the powerful players were women and that was so nice to see.
I can’t wait to read more from Dan Koboldt. I really jive with his writing style and would recommend Silver Queendom to anyone in need of a fast and fun book. Thanks to Angry Robot for having me on this tour and sending me a review copy!
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