DOWN BELOW BEYOND 2nd Edition A NEW COVER BY TOM EDWARDS DESIGN I am thrilled to be sharing the brand new artwork for the second edition of Down Below Beyond by T. A. Bruno. Here is everything you need to know about the book and the new cover art… BLURB Lodespace is a collection of […]
Review: Shroud by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Shroud is an epitomical example of Tchaikovsky’s ingenious world building and memorable non-human characters.
Craig’s Top Reads of 2024
It’s the end of the year as we know it (and I feel full of cheese and chocolate). 2024 has been an extremely good reading year for me, and with so many highlights it’s made this post very difficult to narrow down. So I’m going to do something a little different and break it up […]
The Escher Man by T. R. Napper
Synopsis Endel ‘Endgame’ Ebbinghaus is a violent man, a street-level enforcer for a drug cartel. Or is he? In The Escher Man, nothing is as it seems. Friends, enemies, the past and the present, all become blurred in a world where memory manipulation has become the weapon of choice for powerful corporations. From the gaudy, glittering […]
Review: The World to Come (Dark Legacies #3) by Yuval Kordov
The World to Come is the dark, harrowing, emotionally intense, mind-bending, and hugely rewarding, conclusion to the Dark Legacies trilogy.
Cover Reveal: Falling Into Oblivion (Tendrils of Chrome #1) by Aaron M. Payne
I am thrilled to be hosting this cover reveal for Aaron M. Payne’s debut novel, Falling Into Oblivion. I think you’ll agree that it’s an awesome cover that just yells cyberpunk! Here’s the full artwork and everything you need to know about the cover, book blurb, author, and ARC sign ups… Cover & Project Details: […]
COVER REVEAL: Echoes Of A Lost Goddess (Voices Of The Ilskini #1) by W. A. Leggatt
Cover artist: Author’s wifePublisher: Self-PublishedRelease Date: May 31st, 2024 I am thrilled to be hosting this cover reveal for a debut self-publishing author, who I first met at FantasyCon in 2022. When Will asked me if I would help him out with his reveal, I didn’t hesitate. And when I saw the cover for the first time, I […]
Review: Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Alien Clay provides further evidence of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s unparalleled and unfathomable imagination. A master storyteller and world builder, Tchaikovsky delivers another fascinating speculative vision of an alien ecology, that is innovative and immersive.
The Bookwyrm’s Best Reads of 2023
Suffice to say, 2023 has been my best reading year by far. And not just for the quantity read, but most importantly the quality. I have read widely across the SFF spectrum, both self-published and traditionally published, reading many authors for the first time, and discovering some new favourites along the way. This year has […]
Review: Cage of Souls by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Cage of Souls is a captivating work of speculative fiction of the highest order. A standalone that felt like an entire series in scope and imagination. Adrian Tchaikovsky’s world building and storytelling is off the charts in this outrageously entertaining story.
Series Review: The Expanse by James S.A. Corey
If you are a fan of space-opera, space travel, colonisation, first contact, politics, war, strong characters, intricate plotting, and epic realistic space battles, then there is something for everyone in this expansively epic sci-fi series.
Review: The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (The Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn is the book that will not leave my head.