Mike Chen is a master of character-driven sci-fi. He tackles a different sub-genre with every book, and his latest, A Quantum Love Story, is a time loop romance that is guaranteed to blow your mind! It did mine.
I can’t really express how excited I was to chat to Mike about his book, not just because I’ve been a long-time fan of his, or because I love the way he writes, but A Quantum Love Story is my favourite of all his offerings on the altar of sci-fi. So this chat was one of my all-time favourites. You can catch it here to find out what the book’s about, how he wrote it, his dream Doctor Who project, how to craft strong characters, as well as some first-class Star Wars musings.
If you’d like to find out more about A Quantum Love Story, why not check out my review.
And to connect with Mike, take a look at his website.
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