Synopsis: They followed a prophecy written in the stars, but they were too late before they even began. With the great sacrifice of one of their own, Li’or, Hashkan, Emond, and Gemni escaped a dying realm and freed its people. But the damage to the Fabric is already too great, and terrors from beyond the […]
Sam Parrish
Review: When the Threads Unravel (Anagovia #2) by Sam Parrish
Synopsis: There has already been an unfathomable cost. And there is more yet to pay. Gilderan has fallen. Li’or, Hashkan, and Emond barely escaped with their lives. Scarred and with more questions than they started with, the battle-hardened trio arrives in Pinescar looking for the true power behind Ordelieus’ short, but violent, reign. All the […]
Review: When the World Starts to Fray (Anagovia #1) by Sam Parrish
Synopsis: Forty years ago in the midst of war, an Anagovian soldier discovered the incredible ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality. Without thought of the consequences, man-kind used it to every advantage, winning the war and sending Anagovia into an age of peace and prosperity. Weavers grabbed hold of the Threads of reality […]