If nuanced character work calls to you, you don’t shy away from gothic horror with explicit gore, and you want something that keeps you on the edge of your seat with you breath held tight, dear reader, you’ll devour this cleverly woven book.
raven books
Review: The Leviathan by Rosie Andrews
The Leviathan feels like one of the biggest releases of the year. It’s awesome in its execution and perfect pacing. What starts out as a witchy is she/isn’t she? mystery novel darkens and darkens into something bigger, something so malignant and powerful that you really shouldn’t be anywhere near whether you’re a sceptical protagonist or not.
Review: The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
Turton paints a colourful canvas on the page with deft, short strokes of the pen. The beginning introduces us to a bleak scene, coloured in intrigue, mystery and horror. The flames that licked the leper’s rags only a taste of horror to come … and a scene that gripped me hard with a startling, eerie sense of place. From every cleverly chosen word that pulls you into the depths, further out to sea, Turton’s writing is a true marvel.