Synopsis One night, Jess, a struggling actress, finds a five-year-old runaway hiding in the bushes outside her apartment. After a violent, bloody encounter with the boy’s father, she and the boy find themselves running for their lives. As they attempt to evade the boy’s increasingly desperate father, horrifying incidents of butchery follow them. At first, […]
Nat Cassidy
Review: Rest Stop by Nat Cassidy
Synopsis: A young musician finds himself locked inside a gas station bathroom in the middle of the night by an unseen assailant, caught between the horrors on the other side of the door and the horrors rapidly skittering down the walls inside. Review: Grisly and absurd in more ways than a centipede has legs, “Rest […]
Author Interview: Nat Cassidy
I’m BACK, baby! After a brief hiatus, I present to you today my interview with the one and only, Nat Cassidy! Nat is the author of Mary, Nestlings, and the soon to be released novella, Rest Stop, from Shortwave Publishing. There’s a whole lot of things we talk about over this hour such as: – […]
Review: Rest Stop by Nat Cassidy
Synopsis From the author of MARY and NESTLINGS…A young musician finds himself locked inside a gas station bathroom in the middle of the night by an unseen assailant, caught between the horrors on the other side of the door and the horrors rapidly skittering down the walls inside. Review The biggest thanks to Shortwave for […]
Review: Nestlings by Nat Cassidy
Synopsis Ana and Reid needed a lucky break. The horrifically complicated birth of their first child has left Ana paralyzed, bitter, and struggling: with mobility, with her relationship with Reid, with resentment for her baby. That’s about to change with the words any New Yorker would love to hear—affordable housing lottery. They’ve won an apartment in the […]