Synopsis “The modern day Goosebumps for adults.”—Horror Obsessive Four friends unearth a unique VHS tape that, when viewed, causes short-distance teleportation with euphoric after-effects, inadvertently launching a perilous trend. As copies of the original tape are made, the results become less predictable and ultimately gruesome due to analog generational decay. Despite the danger, some will […]
COVER REVEAL: Teleportasm (Killer VHS Series Book 3) by Joshua Millican
Cover illustrator: Marc Vuletich | SitePublisher: Shortwave Publishing | Site GoodReads: Add to shelf | SiteRelease Date: June 25, 2024Pre-Order Link: Direct & Amazon | Here Shortwave Shop link is the only way to get the Killer VHS rental shipping box and Membership! Blurb Four friends unearth a unique VHS tape that, when viewed, causes short-distance teleportation with euphoric after-effects, inadvertently […]