Synopsis Stories of the worlds that lie just below and behind this one. A grieving boy finds a doorway within a burnt out house that opens onto the past. A woman researching her dissertation on a famous Irish poet discovers secrets she wishes she could forget. A red, lichenous growth rises out of the seas […]
Review: Marshbank by Josh Hanson
Synopsis When a child goes missing, the spirit of the marsh takes on a corporeal form and teams up with the village witch to find the source of the evil haunting the nearby village. A dark fantasy of love, story, and the deep powers of place. Review Grabbed this one to support a FanFiFam member […]
An Intro to Indie Horror For Those Wondering Where to Start
The idea for this came to me several months ago, probably during the latest flair up of “indie/self pub is inferior” or something similar, and you may have seen (or want to check out) where I started with fantasy suggestions. The point of which is not to argue, but to highlight some writers that are […]