Synopsis: When a disease runs rampant, turning people into cannibalistic horrors, society comes to a halt. Kate manages to escape the sadistic captivity she has endured and collides with Nick, a Marine haunted by the scars of war. They join forces to navigate a treacherous landscape, battling the undead and hostile survivors. But what happens […]
Review: A Dragon of the Veil (Warriors of Spirit and Bone, book 1) by Nick Snape
Synopsis With the realm falling apart, the fate of a people falls upon Laoch and Sura’s shoulders and the Gods’ weapons they now bear ‒ a thousand years of faith and lies reconciled in a single moment of hope and redemption. For Laoch, the Crusades never ended, yet the embittered Ranger finds hope in his […]
Review: The Scorching: Just Press Play by Nick Snape
Synopsis: On an Earth devastated by The Scorching climate event, the Drathken land their giant plantships with the promise of healing the planet. Joshua Nkosi vlogs and jokes his way through an easy life guarding a deep-sea mining operation while watching old vids. That is until, he and his modded octopus partner, Marc, get caught […]
Author interview: Karen McCompostine, SPFBOX entrant with The Handwarmers of Immortality
Introduction Karen McCompostine has lived an eclectic life! her most recent novel, The Handwarmers of Immortality is her SPFBOX entry and if her bold personality is anything to go by, it promises to be a wild ride. You can find more info on her previous books at her website, at Interview DB:Hello, Karen, its […]
FanFiAddict is proud to announce the return of TBRCon with TBRCon2024, an all-virtual sci-fi/fantasy/horror convention, streaming live from Jan. 21-28, 2024. With 26 live panels, 5 live podcast recordings and 2 RPG sessions, the fourth edition of our Stabby Award-winning convention aims to offer viewers countless in-depth discussions on SF/F/H, writing craft, publishing, marketing and much more!