Synopsis Nathan Crane, a handsome and charming young man, becomes fixated on Christine Romero, a stunning woman who catches his eye. Despite his initial attempts to woo her, Christine repeatedly rejects Nathan’s advances, and he spirals into a dangerous obsession. As Nathan’s obsession with Christine intensifies, he reveals his dark side. His once-charming demeanor is […]
Intro to Indie Horror + Representation
Similarly to my original Intro to Indie posts (which you can check out here: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi) this is an idea I’ve been brewing for months. Also feel free to check out my original Intro to Indie + Rep post for Fantasy here. Not just where to start with horror or underrated horrors, but horror from authors you […]
COVER REVEALS: The Murders at Camp Ketchum / The Midnight Halloween Horror Show / The Winter Haven Slasher by E. Reyes
A huge thanks to the author for giving me to opportunity to boost this awesome announcement. Below you’ll see the cover reveals/publishing schedule for E. Reyes’ 2024 with The Murders at Camp Ketchum, The Midnight Halloween Horror Show, and The Winter Haven Slasher. If you are unfamiliar with Reyes’ work, I have recently reviewed three […]
Christmas Night of the Scurry Furry / Evening of the Mutated Undead / Jack Forest, Soul Collector by E. Reyes (Triple Feature)
Synopsis Amber, a young woman working in a small retail store on Christmas Eve, finds herself amid chaos when the hot holiday toy, Scurry Furry, comes to life and begins wreaking havoc. The once-adorable creatures become a horde of vicious monsters, leaving a trail of destruction and gore in their wake. With no outside help, […]