Synopsis: “Monsters aren’t real.” That’s what sixteen-year-old Lucy Brannigan has always believed, until, broke and desperate, she and her father move to an isolated farmhouse in the small Scottish town of Helsbridge. It’s their last chance, and they have to make it work. For Lucy, life appears to be over. With no friends, and surrounded […]
David Sodergren
Review: Rotten Tommy by David Sodergren
Synopsis: “Keep the door locked night and day…” It’s been forty years since Becky Sharp’s mother vanished without a trace. Becky has given up all hope of finding her, until she makes a strange discovery that may hold the key to solving her mother’s disappearance. Three unmarked videotapes, hidden in the wall of her childhood […]
Review: Dead Girl Blues by David Sodergren
Synopsis: When a young woman dies in Willow Zulawski’s arms, it sets in motion a chain of events that will push her to the brink of madness. A mysterious video is the only clue, but as Willow digs deeper into the murky world of snuff movies, those closest to her start turning up dead. Someone […]