Synopsis: A gothic sword and sorcery epic graphic novel that’s Conan the Barbarian meets The Wizard of Oz. From Tom King and Bilquis Evely, the Eisner award-winning, bestselling creative team of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Review: By turns Conan The Barbarian, Turn of the Screw, and an Isekai adventure, Helen of Wyndhorn shouldn’t work but it does. Oh, does it […]
Comic Book Review
Review: Ultimate Wolverine #1
Synopsis: THE MAKER’S ULTIMATE WEAPON! Review: Marvel didn’t have to go this hard. But they did. No one is cooler than Wolverine, so it was inevitable that the newly minted Ultimate Universe 2.0 from Marvel Comics, beginning with last year’s Ultimate Spider-Man #1, would introduce its version of the X-Men’s famous gruff Canadian. Writer Chris […]
Review: Absolute Batman #3
Synopsis: Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too… Review: In standard Batman lore, Bruce Wayne uses his extreme wealth to combat corruption. In the Absolute Universe, he chooses to corrupt himself – kind of – to achieve extreme wealth. The gray has never been grayer […]
Review: When We Transform: A Superhero Tale of Transition
Synopsis: Tokusatsu and the Trans Experience! Review: The first rule of Light Patrol is you don’t talk about Light Patrol. But we’re going to talk about When We Transform, because it’s not every day you read a superhero transition story by way of the Tokusatsu genre. I backed this comic on Kickstarter and the first […]
Review: Absolute Batman #2
Synopsis: Batman was born out of violence – a horrible tragedy that shaped the trajectory of his future. But when a vigilant MI6 agent starts tracking the lonely life of Bruce Wayne, he discovers the interconnectivity between a hero’s shell life and the many layers of the Black Mask Gang. It’s Batman versus Alfred Pennyworth! […]