Synopsis: Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too… Review: In standard Batman lore, Bruce Wayne uses his extreme wealth to combat corruption. In the Absolute Universe, he chooses to corrupt himself – kind of – to achieve extreme wealth. The gray has never been grayer […]
Comic Book Review
Review: When We Transform: A Superhero Tale of Transition
Synopsis: Tokusatsu and the Trans Experience! Review: The first rule of Light Patrol is you don’t talk about Light Patrol. But we’re going to talk about When We Transform, because it’s not every day you read a superhero transition story by way of the Tokusatsu genre. I backed this comic on Kickstarter and the first […]
Review: Absolute Batman #2
Synopsis: Batman was born out of violence – a horrible tragedy that shaped the trajectory of his future. But when a vigilant MI6 agent starts tracking the lonely life of Bruce Wayne, he discovers the interconnectivity between a hero’s shell life and the many layers of the Black Mask Gang. It’s Batman versus Alfred Pennyworth! […]