A brilliant piece of speculative horror! Genuinely mind-bending… I very eagerly anticipate the next piece of art that Sofia Ajram produces!
Best of 2024
The Shaggy Shepherd’s Most Memorable Reads of 2024
I’ve been going back and forth between ways to recognize my favorite reads. Throughout the year, I was tracking which books I rated the highest each month, but that came with multiple issues. First, some months had multiple books with a high rating and it was difficult to just choose one winner. Second, some months […]
Eleni’s Top Reads of 2024
I’ve decided to do something a little different than my usual top five for this year’s top reads given that, while I may not have totaled an awful lot of books over the past year, the majority were pretty dang great. So, I figured I’d treat you to a longer list and the ensuing cover extravaganza! As always, if I’ve reviewed these here, I’ll link that to the book title so you can have some fun with my longer rambles, if you so wish.
With a solid mix of various subgenres, you will find highly anticipated sequels, standalones, or brand-new series openers that hold onto you from beginning till the end.
Bill’s Best of 2024 Indie Awards Extravaganza!
Here we are, it’s practically the end of December and it’s time for me to share my top books of 2024! (plus showcase my amazing artistic skills in my banner! Go on, praise me, I’ll wait patiently…) In 2023, I made the decision to read solely indie books (ok, I actually read 2 trad pub […]
Adam’s Top 5 Reads of 2024
Adam’s top five reads from 2024, plus a few extras.