Episode 98 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they chat with author Sebastien de Castell about his new novel Play of Shadows, his career trajectory and being a bard, channeling your experiences into writing, traveling, culture and language, writing witty dialogue and banter, found family, worldbuilding approaches, shared worlds and much more.
NOTE: This is part one of a two-part chat with Sebastien. Stayed tuned next week for his mini-masterclass on Swashbuckling Fantasy.
Sebastien de Castell is the author of the Greatcoats series, the Spellslinger series, The Malevolent Seven and more. His latest book is Play of Shadows, the first book in The Court of Shadows series. Purchase it here.
Find Sebastien on Twitter, Amazon or his personal website.
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Episode 98 is available to stream and download on:
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You can also watch the episode below via the FanFiAddict YouTube channel, and the full episode archive for the show is available here. Check out the SFF Addicts Twitter or Instagram accounts for more frequent updates.
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