Episode 53 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they chat with internationally bestselling author Christopher Paolini about his new novels Fractal Noise and Murtagh, publishing Eragon/The Inheritance Cycle books and growing up at the same time, imposter syndrome and burnout, advice for young writers, the power of story, comparing science fiction and fantasy, creating the Fractalverse, solving time travel, the impact of dreams and much more.
NOTE: This is part one of a two-part chat with Christopher. Stayed tuned next week for his mini-masterclass on Aliens & First Contact.
Christopher Paolini is the internationally bestselling author of Eragon and The Inheritance Cycle books, along with To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, the first book in his Fractalverse interconnected universe. His newest novels, Fractal Noise and Murtagh, are out on May 16 and November 7, respectively.
Find Christopher on Twitter, Amazon, his personal website or the Fractalverse website.
Episode 53 is available to stream and download on:
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