Episode 44 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Post-Apocalyptic Fiction with author Chuck Wendig. During the episode, Chuck digs into some fundamentals of the genre: what attracts people to apocalyptic narratives, how writers can tap into larger societal fears (like AI and nuclear war), fungi and fungal pandemics, the importance of hope in dire circumstances, creating believable characters in apocalyptic scenarios and more.
NOTE: This is part two of a two-part chat with Chuck. Click here to check out part one.
Chuck Wendig is the bestselling author of The Book of Accidents, Wanderers, Wayward, Star Wars: Aftermath and more.
Find Chuck on Twitter, Amazon or his personal website.
Episode 44 is available to stream and download on:
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You can also watch the episode below via the FanFiAddict YouTube channel or stream the audio via Spotify, and the full episode archive for the show is available here. Check out the SFF Addicts Twitter or Instagram accounts for more frequent updates.
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