Episode 21 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Nicholas Eames, J. S. Dewes, Austin Grossman, Ciel Pierlot and Ron Walters as they take a deep dive into the virtual worlds of video games. During the panel they discuss the intersection between video games and SFF, the creative feedback loop between gaming and writing, incorporating games into book narratives, book-to-game adaptations and vice versa, developing and writing for video games and much more.
Episode 21 is available to stream and download on:
Anchor | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Podcast Addict | Amazon Music | Stitcher | Overcast | RadioPublic | Pocket Casts | Breaker | Podbay
You can also watch the episode below via the FanFiAddict YouTube channel or stream it via Spotify, and the full episode archive for the show is available here. Check out the SFF Addicts Twitter or Instagram accounts for more frequent updates.
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