Episode 147 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and Greta Kelly as they chat with bestselling author Nicholas Binge about his new novel Dissolution, memory and identity, writing elderly characters, the joys of teaching and podcasting, agents and querying, getting books optioned for TV and film, living up to hype, marketability vs. artistic vision, experimenting with story structure, antagonists, dementia, grandparents and much more.
NOTE: This is part one of a two-part chat with Nicholas. Stayed tuned next week for his writing masterclass on Finding the Emotional Core.
Nicholas Binge is the bestselling author of Ascension and Professor Everywhere. His latest release is Dissolution, which you can purchase here. He’s also the co-host of The Binge Reading Book Club podcast.
Find Nicholas on Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and his personal website.
Episode 147 is available to stream and download on:
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