Episode 145 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and Greta Kelly as they chat with bestselling, award-winning author John Scalzi about his new novel When the Moon Hits Your Eye, luck and career longevity, major changes in the publishing landscape, Old Man’s War book 7 and writing without pressure, fandom and avoiding burnout, turning the moon into cheese, using the lunar cycle as a story structure, writing dozens of POV characters, cheese science, research, touring and much more.
NOTE: This is part one of a two-part chat with John. Stayed tuned next week for his writing masterclass on Bringing the Funny to Sci-Fi.
John Scalzi is the bestselling, award-winning author of the Old Man’s War series, The Interdependency series, The Lock In series, Redshirts, The Kaiju Preservation Society and much more. His latest release is When the Moon Hits Your Eye, which you can purchase here.
Find John on Bluesky, Amazon and his personal website.
Episode 145 is available to stream and download on:
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