Episode 141 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and Greta Kelly as they chat with author Gourav Mohanty about his new novel Dance of Shadows, The Raag of Rta series, grimdark and the Indian SFF market, the influences of both A Song of Ice & Fire and Toni Morrison, being a writer, lawyer and stand-up comedian, storytelling across career types, his sense of humor and Indian politics, writing a large cast of characters, showing world and setting through characters, the challenges of writing a sequel, depictions of violence, action scenes and much more.
NOTE: This is part one of a two-part chat with Gourav. Stayed tuned next week for his mini-masterclass on Mythological Retellings.
Gourav Mohanty is the author of Sons of Darkness, book one in The Raag of Rta series. He is also a lawyer and stand-up comedian. His latest release is Dance of Shadows, which you can purchase here.
Find Gourav on Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and his personal website.
Episode 141 is available to stream and download on:
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