Episode 138 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and Greta Kelly for a masterclass panel on Choosing Your Publication Path, featuring authors Christopher Ruocchio and Tatiana Obey. During the panel, Christopher and Tatiana share their publishing experiences, discussing the dream of being an author vs. the reality, querying and literary agents, the essentials of being an indie author, self-publishing costs/cover art/marketing, writing series and/or standalones, hybrid publishing, getting indie books into stores, publishing contracts and rights, compromises and making mistakes, writing supplementary books, crowdfunding/Kickstarter, trends, community and more. We hope this panel helps any of you out there who are trying to decide your publication path.
Christopher Ruocchio is the bestselling author of the Sun Eater series, including Empire of Silence, its five sequels and side story novellas.
Find Christopher on Instagram, Amazon and his personal website.
Tatiana Obey is the self-published author of Sistah Samurai and the A Forging of Age series.
Find Tatiana on Instagram, Amazon and her personal website.
Episode 138 is available to stream and download on:
Anchor | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Podcast Addict | Amazon Music | Overcast | RadioPublic | Pocket Casts | Breaker | Podbay
You can also watch the episode below via the FanFiAddict YouTube channel or on Spotify, and the full episode archive for the show is available here. Check out the SFF Addicts Twitter or Instagram accounts for more frequent updates.
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