Episode 134 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Consequences in World Creation with award-winning author Adrian Tchaikovsky. During the episode, Adrian confronts the many consequences of worldbuilding, including establishing a logical fictional “reality”, the depths and possibilities of world creation, being flexible with your world and its consequences, immersion and logical inconsistencies, mapping out consequences and knock-on effects, organizing story/world information, how characters test the limits of your world, fixing bad worldbuilding choices and more.
NOTE: This is part two of a two-part chat with Adrian. Click here to check out part one.
Adrian Tchaikovsky is the award-winning science fiction and fantasy author of the Children of Time series, The Final Architecture series, the Shadows of the Apt series, The Tyrant Philosophers series, Alien Clay and much more. His newest release is Days of Shattered Faith, which you can purchase here.
Find Adrian on Twitter, Bluesky, Amazon and his personal website.
Episode 134 is available to stream and download on:
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You can also watch the episode below via the FanFiAddict YouTube channel or on Spotify, and the full episode archive for the show is available here. Check out the SFF Addicts Twitter or Instagram accounts for more frequent updates.
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