Episode 132 of SFF Addicts has arrived!
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn for a masterclass panel on Writing for IP, featuring authors Peter F. Hamilton, Mike Chen and James L. Sutter. During the panel, Peter, Mike and James explore the intricacies of writing for intellectual properties, including how to get involved in IP, deadlines and contracts, the pressures of writing in an established universe, love of the IP vs. the realities of earnings, editors and author freedom, translating visual IPs to prose and vice versa, catering to existing fanbases, author voice, IP attachment and more.
Peter F. Hamilton is the author of The Abyss Beyond Dreams, Great North Road, The Evolutionary Void, Judas Unchained, the acclaimed Night’s Dawn trilogy and more. His latest novel is Exodus: The Archimedes Engine, a tie-in novel to the new Exodus video game franchise.
Find Peter on Facebook and Amazon.
Mike Chen is the New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars: Brotherhood, Here and Now and Then, A Quantum Love Story and more, as well as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comics.
Find Mike on Bluesky, Amazon and his personal website.
James L. Sutter is the co-creator of the Pathfinder and Starfinder TTRPGs, as well as the author of Darkhearts, The Ghost of Us and more.
Find James on Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and his personal website.
Episode 132 is available to stream and download on:
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