J.R.R. Tolkien is best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but those who thought these two wonderful adventures marked the height of his imagination have many more delights to come. The Silmarillion represents the source of Tolkien’s later work and follows the events of the First Age of Middle Earth. For information, The Lord of the Rings concerns the end of the Third Age.
The Silmarillion is a gloriously realised story of rebellion, exile, war and the heroism of elves and men. But to gain an insight into the staggering complexity of Tolkien’s world, however, the shorter works also included are must-reads. Dealing with the myth of creation, the nature of the Gods, the fall of Númenor and the Rings of Power, they paint a vivid picture not only of Middle Earth but also of the author’s soaring imagination.
Tolkien was born of English parents in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in 1892 and died in England in 1973. He worked on The Silmarillion from as early as 1917 but the work was not published until after his death. This edition, richly illustrated by Ted Nasmith, is both collector’s item and source of reference and fascination for every follower of Tolkien.
Wow, that was a truly epic experience. My love for the Lord of the Rings has just gone up tenfold with this timely masterpiece. The Silmarillion.
The lore, history, and indept worldbuilding are just out of this world. There’s so many details in this. It feels more like a work of art than a book. J.R.R. Tolkien really is the master of the fantasy realm.
After listening to the Lord of the Rings trilogy on audible by Andy Serkis last year, I knew I had to check out The Silmarillion narrated by him, and damn did he not disappoint. He gives us an incredible performance with his acting skills and arranges of voices he adds to each character.
Now The Silmarillion is not like a normal book, more like a historical text that spans over a very long time period. So, a lot of names of people and places mentioned are hard to pronounce, so in my experience, it’s good to read along while listening to an audible version, making it an amazing experience of this epic world.
The Silmarillion comprises five parts. The first part, Ainulindalë, tells of the creation of Eä, the “world that is.” Valaquenta.
The second part gives a description of the Valar and Maiar, the supernatural powers in Eä.
The third part, Quenta Silmarillion, which forms the bulk of the collection, chronicles the history of the events before and during the First Age, including the wars over the Silmarils which gave the book its title.
The fourth part, Akallabêth, relates the history of the Downfall of Númenor and its people, which takes place in the Second Age.
The fifth and final part of the Rings of Power and the Third Age is a brief account of the history of the One Ring to rule them all which led to and gave us what is the amazing trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
I will definitely be delving into more of J.R.R. Tolkiens books. Even though the world is dark and full of evil. It’s place you could just get lost in with its magnificents and beauty.
If you are a fan of the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and haven’t read The Silmarillion yet, then I very highly recommend that you do. It is an epic journey every fantasy reader must experience….😁🔥💙
My heart, my soul, lives in Tolkien’s’ books/ worlds. Imagine the woods, forests, and mountains
And I’m calm and joyful.