Broken generations ago in the Cleansing,The Sunborn Bloodline persists.
Dragh the Sunborn Empire’s last son rises in the ranks of the Second Legion, a Legion of criminals. Sent to quell the rebelling Northern Tribes, the last Sunborn son finds himself in a cruel world of politics, murder and betrayal as he struggles to survive.
Welcome to the Sunborn Series, where Empires rise, fall and against all odds, rise again.
The Dragon Legion, book one in Isaac Hill’s Sunborn series, is a gritty fast-paced novel that will have you fist-pumping throughout.
Firstly, the main character is brilliantly written and emotionally driven and that has made Dragh Sunborn stand above all else. Outwardly, a killer. A self-professed murder hell-bent on serving the Legion. Inwardly, he wants to make it through this for his family. Dragh Sunborn, begrudging loyal, wants a life of his own. Hill has created a fantastic character here and I loved how we hear Draghs thoughts on everything to himself. There’s a real struggle with his past and his future and I relate to Dragh this way. This is what resonated with me in Hill’s writing – the ongoing rollercoaster of morally right and brutally wrong in a world where violence is the answer.
The way that Hill created the world was outstanding. We see hints of each area of this through the characters we meet from all areas. These characters journey throughout parts but it is the people we meet that show us how the world works. Instead of describing areas, Hill describes tribes and their own ways and this was a creative way of diversifying these characters and the world itself. I also enjoyed the camaraderie between Dragh and his legion. Hill writes the scenes with these characters together so smoothly and you can just picture them all laughing, crying and reminiscining round the fire. Even the familial aspect felt real. Dragh loves his family and would do anything for them and Hill is so good at these types of scenes that bring everyone together. There are even the mysterious characters that I hope get covered in the sequel.
Parts of the plot reveals may have been a little predictable however this was handled by Hill’s writing. These reveals were handled perfectly and the way the scenes were written had me imagining a video game cutscene and being amazed by it. The plot itself picks up at the end of the novel to almost catastrophic proportions and I’m intrigued to see where it is going to go.
This was an action packed story filled with eager characters, easy politics and a massive scope to match the best. Isaac Hill’s new novel should be on everyone’s radar and I cannot wait to see what else is in store.
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