In the vast dominion of Seven Cities, in the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha’ik and her followers prepare for the long-prophesied uprising known as the Whirlwind. Unprecedented in size and savagery, this maelstrom of fanaticism and bloodlust will embroil the Malazan Empire in one of the bloodiest conflicts it has ever known, shaping destinies and giving birth to legends.
Hoods balls, every time I read this book, it just tears the heart and soul from my body. It just gets me every time and has me in tears, it’s has to be one of the most heart rendering stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Beru Fend you Mr Erikson.
Deadhouse Gates is the second book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen by the Master Steven Erikson. It’s like visiting old friends from past times that takes you an incredible and impactful epic journey through one of the best fantasy series ever written.
Introducing a large new cast of varied characters not from the first book in a fantastic intricately constructed amazing world. With more gods, pulling the strings, other races, and magic playing a larger role but all the better for that as a contrast and doesn’t detract from the essential gritty “realism” of the various players and their actions that shows you the very darkside of humanity.
My favourite characters are the Wickans and Duiker, the Malazan historian. Their story plot just absolutely captivates you from when they are first introduced and where their tale leads, leaving you with all sorts of emotions and feelings that will stay with you for a very long time.
If you love a good epic story, that will make you laugh and cry, has everything from demons, dragons, those pesky Bhok’arala, an amazing cast of diverse characters, Gods, ancient races, action packed battles and an incredible magic system that will just blow your mind, oh don’t forget the pot shards…😁
In this amazing story, In Seven Cities in the Holy Desert Raraku a seer named Sha’ik gathers an army around her in preparation for a long-prophesied uprising. Their only goal is to kill their oppressors the Malazans. Blood will be spilt, a savagery that will see humanity at it lowest and a journey across a continent that will see hero’s be prophesied and written into the history books.
I have never read anything with such depth and scope, if you haven’t delved or signed up to be a Bridgeburner yet, I very highly recommend that you do, you won’t regret it…🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️
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