Ashiy, a young redtail fox, has been raised in the remote smuggler’s den of Whim’s Haven. Hidden at the heart of a troll-infested forest, its population is full of ruffian raccoons, brigand bears, and snarl-toothed wolves. Ashiy dreams of seeing the wider world beyond its borders, but his mysterious elven godmother is determined to keep him close by her side. He knows she’s keeping secrets—about who she really is, and the past which left him an orphan.
Yet Ashiy discovers more than he bargained for after an illicit and violent encounter with one of animalkind’s oldest foes—man. It sets him on a perilous journey into the vast lands of Altharia, home to animals blessed with intelligence by the good Mistress above. Though Ashiy is at last free of Whim’s Haven, his adventure may prove more bittersweet than joyous.
Shall he ever uncover the truths hidden away from him? And shall fate return him home the same fox he once was?
A Journey’s Beginning by Angola Hone, book one in the Canid Chronology, is an excitingly fresh take on fantasy and one that I highly recommend.
Ashiy is a brilliant character. A sly fox both innocent and intriguing, Ashiy wants to find out the truth, no matter the cost. The animal companions that we journey with besides Ashiy are all unique and I’m reminded that you don’t have to be human to be relatable. There are other characters that are introduced and I was a fan of how Hone intertwined the mysteries between them. It is these characters that had me turning the pages. It was a breath of fresh air to have such wonderfully written characters that make an impact to the story and Hone really mastered this.
I won’t spoil the plot itself but Ashiy journeying felt akin to Bilbo in the Hobbit. Someone wanting to know more and do more and meeting the unlikeliest of characters. The action was cleanly described but the journey itself was one that I rooted for. Hone really impressed with their delicate writing and fantastic descriptions that us on this journey alongside Ashiy. The story itself unfolded beautifully and I was encouraged to keep turning the pages to find out more.
I really enjoyed book one in the Canid Chronology and am eager to see where Angola Hone takes it from here. A well-written and plotted palette cleanser that turned into so much more. A classic and familiar tale that brought plenty of excitement. Animal characters in fantasy isn’t something new however animal characters being the main focus is something I don’t normally delve into. I have never had the pleasure of reading Redwall but I see this being compared to that. Stuart Little, The Borrowers, Redwall. Each have an influence and I can say for certain that the Canid Chronology will be one to match these.
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