Scorio has won his vengeance. His foes lie vanquished, his skeptics silenced.
Yet, as the powers of hell watch eagerly, Scorio and Naomi spurn those who would recruit them, and venture into the untold depths of hell in search of the enigmatic Herdsmen. Amidst landscapes of haunting beauty and terror, they will face terrible fiends, forge friendships with wondrous new allies, and encounter societies of Great Souls to put the worst of hell to shame.
All will seek to manipulate Scorio. To use him. To bend him to their will.
And all will suffer the consequences for trying.
Bastion (Book #1) set itself apart as a standout Progression Fantasy series and subsequent books cemented that place. LastRock takes it to the next level being a fully action packed, roller coaster adventure ride.
Books 1 & 2 provide a detailed backdrop into the life of a reborn Scorio beginning from his rebirth in Bastion to his first venturing about in the wide world of Hell in Rascor Plains. I expected LastRock to continue in the same vein as he progresses both in levels and geographically closer to the center of Hell. However this book kicks it a notch above as we are treated to a full blown blisteringly paced all out action that felt like it has more packed that earlier two books combined.
One of things I really liked is that the books places lot more emphasis on characters other than Scorio most importantly the Fiends. Rather than mindless animals that only threaten, they are given a depth of character that makes us wonder if things are as superficial as what we got to know in earlier books. Queen Xandera just takes the cherry, with BFF Nox and even the Blood Ox adding to a ever growing tapestry of intriguing characters.
The middle section of the books gave me a feeling similar to when I watched Band of Brothers for the first time. The time in Plassus Camp training, the brutal march…it was just some superb writing!
Phil is a master of writing bleak, abused underdog characters and it shines bright in Scorio. Not just levelling up in strength, his mental toughness and resilience especially when dealing with fellow characters (*cough cough*, Naomi!) is done beautifully.
On the flip side, I felt the book felt a bit rushed. The progression was a bit too quick and convenient, there just was too much happening in too short a time. Though from a plot perspective, it made full sense…just felt that a few extra chapters would have made it more founded. But then it is a minor gripe that did not hold me back from enjoying this book in full.
This books is a wrap up to the first arc. Most of the threads from Bastion have been wrapped up with a few left to take the plot further. Waiting eagerly for the next in series.
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