Hello as always dear reader or listener,
If you’ve been around me and my writing/tweeting even a tad throughout this past year, odds are you’ve seen me happily ramble about any one of the books or series on this list. I could talk about what I loved from each of these for dayyyys, that is a known fact, but for this post I thought I’d keep it to cover extravaganza and one or two quotes from each. Needless to say that I rec every one of these with eyes closed but if you’re feeling like you need more convincing, I’ll also link my reviews (if I’ve written one) with each title, and here you can find another variant of this list that waxes a little more lyrical about each entry. Otherwise, if you just want a quick chat about any of these books or series, you know where to find me!
Let’s start first with a couple of honorable mentions:

Masters and Mages trilogy by Miles Cameron
“[Aranthur] could take some extra fencing lessons. He was in love with his sword, purchased in a used clothing market on a whim. With his rent money, because he was a fool.”

The Crown Tower by Michael J. Sullivan
“My name is Hadrian Blackwater.”
“Uh … what’s yours?”
“Leave me alone.”
And now onto the list proper which is in no particular order because I am incapable of deciding a preference order:

The Licanius Trilogy by James Islington
“You destroyed us–and then, when we hated you most, you saved us at the expense of everything you ever wanted…You have lived for over four thousand years, and done so much evil and so much good. You are a legend here amongst the Lyth, despised and beloved, famous and infamous both.”

Race The Sands by Sarah Beth Durst
“She was beginning to understand why so few people even tried monster racing. Constant terror is a bit of a distraction”

Master Artificer by Justin T. Call
“Annev . . .” Sraon said, his tone measured, cautious. “Please don’t blow
us all to bloody pieces.”
Fyn still didn’t have a clue what he was
going to do—but he had another day to figure it out, and he assumed an
idea would come to him.

The Eli Monpress series by Rachel Aaron
“Why are you still complaining?” Miranda said. “It didn’t help yesterday; it didn’t help two weeks ago. What makes you think it’ll help now?”

Artifact Space by Miles Cameron
“Have you read any pre-spaceflight literature?”
“Probably too much” she admitted.
“It’s odd – they are suffused with misogyny and racism and yet they are so poignant and so descriptive, as if the authors had nothing but time to pour out their hearts.”

For The Wolf by Hannah Whitten
“People with power resent losing it, and too much power for too long a time can make a villain of anyone.”

War for the Rose Throne books 1 & 2 by Peter McLean
“One thing I have noticed in life is that the men who speak the most of honor are usually those who have the least of it.”

The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
“I do not like half answers.’
‘Stop asking half questions, then,’ he said, and smiled with sudden charm.
“Why carve things of wood,” she asked him, “if you can make marvellous things of ice with only your hands?” He glanced up. “I carve things of wood because things made by effort are more real than things made by wishing.”

The Shadow Campaigns by Django Wexler
“You got rid of him?”
“For the moment,” Winter said. “Nothing confuses an officer like violently agreeing with him.”
“He expects me turn up for the inspection, glance through all of this, and then scurry back to Ohnlei to get on with my life. Marcus gave a rueful smile. More fool him. He doesn’t know I haven’t got a life.”

Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor
“If in doubt, make tea. I’m at St. Mary’s: if hitting someone didn’t solve the problem, then drinking tea would.”
“He was calm and soothing and had a reasonable explanation for everything. No woman should have to put up with that.”
So there you have it dear reader/listener. Thank you for making it to the end of this fun list and I hope you’ll continue tagging along in my reading discoveries in the new year as well. Let us find more adventures to get lost in together!
Until next time,
Eleni A.E.
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