Author: Alex Arch
Artist: Indigo Jennar | Instagram
Release Date: March 15th 2025
Genre: Epic Fantasy
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Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Only stolen.
Mages feed on catalysts like Dinnie to enhance their spells, and since she’s the most formidable weapon alive, they will stop at nothing to control her. Even her parents, leaders of warring realms, wage a battle for her custody, imprisoning her to prevent the other from gaining the upper hand.
No more.
For the first time in her fourteen years, Dinnie isn’t alone. With the help of Ghost, a glum deserter shackled to his past, she intends to flee this madness. But as they witness the horrors unleashed to retrieve her, one thing becomes clear: Her parents will never abandon their claim.
Death and destruction follow in Dinnie’s wake, and she must decide if her freedom is worth the cost.

About the Author

I live in Canada with my wife, two kids, and dog. Besides playing hockey, I grew up consuming fantasy in all its forms. Exploring new worlds and ideas with a sense of escapism feels natural to me and I hope I can transmit this love to readers with my stories. A jack-of-all-trades, I’m always trying new stuff and feel as much at home in the great outdoors as in front of a computer pressing letters on the keyboard.
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