We don’t often get second chances but today a wonderful book I read earlier this year is getting getting just that with a brand new cover!
The Fall of Selvandrea is the debut novel by T.J.McKay and whilst he has adhered to the fantasy author trope of being called Tim (trust me there is a whole gang of them), his book takes what you may expect in a fantasy novel and turns that on its head. I wont ruin the twist for you but as the book develops it jumps into a wonderful blend of fantasy and sci-fi that takes it in directions I never expected.
Before we get to the fantastic new cover, lets take a look at some of stunning illustrations in the book as well as learning a little more about the story.

Remember the wolf.
Remember what’s out there in the dark.
Valdaris was a middling artillery captain before his people fell to a conquering rival.
Then he fell further still, snatched from the battlefield by a ruthless cult and cast into the depths of ultimate evil.
Transformed by powers he can’t begin to understand, Valdaris seeks revenge on those who tried to destroy him. Instead, he’ll face monsters beyond his most terrifying nightmares. He joins with allies caught in the chaos of his war with evil, oblivious to his true nature and the darkness closing in on their world.
Full of dragons, monsters, found family, magical weapons, intense duels, and epic battles, The Fall of Selvandrea follows a vigilante’s quest against malice, greed, and the shadow within. Heroes and villains join against the rising dark, and against a tyrant whose schemes may destroy them all.
And from calamity’s ashes, a new power shall rise.

Hopefully that will be enough of an appetiser for those of you have yet to pick up the book. But don’t make your mind up just yet, we still have the main dish below. Please feast your eyes on the new cover and then head off to pick up a copy and give Tim a great start to 2025

Book Title: The Fall of Salvandrea (Volume One of The Draemeir Chronicle)
Illustrations: Joe Requeza (https://www.artstation.com/joerequeza)
Cover Design: Rachel Bostwick (https://rachelbostwick.com/ )
Author Bio:

Tim J. McKay is an author, editor, and writing professor from Ottawa, Canada. He used to be a pastor, still cares about good and evil, and still strives to create meaningful experiences for others. He has degrees in history, theology, and public policy, along with a diploma in professional writing, but likes nothing more than hiking in the woods, running along the Rideau Canal, and connecting with the people he loves. Oh, and reading a good book.
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