We at FanFiAddict want to thank Zamil for allowing us the opportunity to reveal the cover for his upcoming novella, Death Rider, which is the prequel to his Gunmetal Gods series and is set fifteen (15) years before Book 1.
Check it out!

Book Information
Death Rider by Zamil Akhtar
Series: Gunmetal Gods (#0.5)
Published: October 15th, 2021
Genre: Fantasy > Epic Fantasy, Dark Fantasy
Page Count: 100 pages (eBook)
Book Cover Illustration/Design: http://miblart.com/
Sign up to Zamil’s newsletter to get Death Rider FREE on pub day! Go to http://ZamilAkhtar.com
Book Blurb
A disgraced warrior seeks an honorable death on the battlefield, but an eldritch god has other plans for her.
Author Chat w/ Zamil

About the Author
When Zamil was fourteen, he moved from the dry, dune-spotted Arabian peninsula to the hilly, arctic wasteland that is Western Massachusetts. He despises the cold, isn’t very fond of the sun, and prefers spending all day indoors mashing the keyboard in the hopes something great will come of it. When not dreaming up dark and fantastical journeys, he enjoys binging horror movies, wasting precious time arguing about international relations on Reddit, and occasionally traveling somewhere exotic. He currently lives in Dubai with his loving wife and his badly-behaved pet rabbit.
Website: https://zamilakhtar.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zamakhtar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zamilakhtarauthor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zamakhtar1/

US Link: https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0965XC74F…
UK Link: https://amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0965XC74F…
Other Regions Link: https://Books2Read.com/GunmetalGods
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