Y’all, you’re going to want to see this one!
I had the distinct pleasure of reading an ARC of this book (after becoming a Rachel Rener fan with the Gilded Blood series last year) and I can safely say this is gunning for my FAVORITE Urban Fantasy book of the year.
It’s a delightful romance between a neurodivergent FMC with pica (addiction to putting rocks in her mouth, which happens to activate her magical ability) and a handsome, charming, and delightfully nerdy MMC who runs one of those HORRIBLE overly gaudy crystals stores we all know and hate.
It’s a fun adventure with great characters…but I’ll have SOOO much more to say when I do a review.
For now, let’s just get to seeing that cover!

(In case you’re wondering, yes, the pig is the real hero of the story)
And the full wraparound spread:

I used to eat rocks as a child.
The family doctor diagnosed me with pica, dooming me to years of intensive therapy and extensive dentistry work. It wouldn’t be until much later that I would understand the all-consuming, insatiable craving that spurred me to eat a variety of rocks and minerals wasn’t a mentaI disorder, but an innate gift that allows me to extract the magic contained inside them: tourmaline for speed, celestite for strength, augite for a powerful Iaxative effect (that I had to discover the hard way).
Twenty years later, I’ve hidden my abilities beneath a white lab coat, working as a small-town pharmacist who creates proprietary “naturopathic” tonics that treat everything from memory loss to erectile dysfunction. Those tonics, in turn, fund my expensive lifestyle of solo flying around the world to search for more rocks. What more could an airplane-loving, mineral-munching, magical alchemist want?
Unfortunately, my arch nemesis, Heath Spencer, has recently taken it upon himself to single-handedly ruin my life. No longer content with annoying me from afar with his overpriced, tacky rock shop, Heath has decided to further antagonize me by dangling the opportunity of a lifetime right in front of my face: traveling to an ancient copper mine in China, which is home to some of the rarest and most stunning minerals on Earth.
It’s not until after I’m trapped halfway across the world with my least favorite person on the planet that I’m forced to come face-to-face with three terrible realizations: everything I thought I knew about Heath Spencer is wrong, not all minerals are meant to be ingested, and – worst of all – I’m not the only one who’s been keeping secrets…
Artist: Miblart (https://miblart.com/)
Release Date: July 31, 2024
Preorder Link: HERE
I enjoyed the heck out of this one, and I know all UF-loving readers will, too.
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