Synopsis Four years have passed since Lidan’s world was ripped apart, and time is running out to change her father’s mind about the succession before the bargain with her mother expires. Torn between what she wants and what she knows is right, she is faced with an impossible choice; will her brother live, or will […]
An Intro to Indie Sci-Fi For Those Wondering Where to Start
The idea for this came to me several months ago, probably during the latest flair up of “indie/self pub is inferior” or something similar, and you may have seen (or want to check out) the similar posts for both fantasy and horror suggestions. The point of which is not to argue, but to highlight some […]
Review: War Song: Legacy Rising (The Price of Power #0.5) by Michael Michel
Synopsis Admar’s future is a path paved with broken glass. Each step forward living under Scothean tyranny cuts away another piece of his humanity. Right down to the very bone. But even a meager life as a miner is better than a pointless death. A sister, a mother, a lover, all lost at the uncaring […]
Review: Iron Gold (Red Rising Series #4) by Pierce Brown
Synopsis They call him father, liberator, warlord, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the pale blue planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy. It is the tenth year of war and the thirty-second of his life. A decade ago, Darrow was the hero of the revolution he believed […]
Review: Shattered Spirits (The Fall of Ishcairn) by Cal Black
Synopsis Legends say a dead god is buried under the stone city of Ishcairn, protecting its inhabitants by dashing enemy fleets into the jagged coast of Craeburn. Adjunct professor Corrie Ecksley doesn’t believe any of that, but she knows from her work excavating nearby burial sites that the ancient Craeburn people believed it enough to […]