Synopsis Two years after a devastating defeat in the decades-long Spore War, the island nation of Hōppon and its capital city of Neo Kinoko are occupied by invading Coprinian forces. Its fungal citizens are in dire straits, wracked by food shortages, poverty, and an influx of war refugees. Even worse, the corrupt occupiers exploit their […]
Review: Price War (Price War #1) by Richard Holliday
Synopsis WHEN THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS IS BLOOD, ONE MAN MUST SAVE WHAT’S LEFT OF HIS FAMILY FROM PAYING THE PRICE… In a future wrought by traumatic events, the people of the UK come to rely on retailer Yellowstone for their every need. The futuristic company is a newcomer to the country but it’s […]
Review: Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase
Synopsis “A fearless novel that probes ideas of surveillance, misogyny and class. . . . Tsamaase brilliantly tackles ideas of motherhood and autonomy.” —New York Times Book Review This genre-bending Afrofuturist horror novel blends The Handmaid’s Tale and The School for Good Mothers with Get Out in an adrenaline-packed, cyberpunk body-hopping ghost story exploring motherhood, memory, and a woman’s right to […]